Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The inauguration

I have no tv. I grew up without one until I was fourteen, and have never really liked the damn things. I'd rather read or listen to the radio.

But yesterday I wanted to SEE the Inauguration, and I wanted to see it with people. So I was really happy when MoveOn sent me a notification of a viewing at the Dog and Duck Pub, which was opening early, people, to allow us to watch the End of and Error. The event was supposed to be for about 30 people, but there had to be 75 to 100 folks there, watching on tvs both inside and outside. Some were drinking coffee, and some were starting with the fabulous selection of draft beer that Dog and Duck has. Noisemakers were passed out to those both sitting and standing. I think you could fairly say that most of us were old enough to know who Aretha Franklin is/was and could probably do a fair version of Respect if asked.

And so we watched, cheering occasionally, and yes, booing occasionally too. A little growl of disapproval went up when Roberts fucked up the words to the oath of office. But we were mostly silent for the Address. We cheered and clapped a few times, and went nuts at the end. When Reverend Lowery said "That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen," we all said "Amen!" with him and millions of our fellow Americans, loudly!

And, when the Navy Sea Chanters came up to sing our National Anthem, and Diane Feinstein told the crowd in Washington to rise, we rose too, and sang.


Anonymous said...

That is so cool that you were there!

But how is it I'm the last one to know you have a blog??


Anonymous said...

Wendy, I'm just checking. Ricë, on her blog today (Feb. 19) said you promised to update today! I loved the podcast you did with her! I hope you do more.